.. " Pictures of Thousand Words " ..
( Kanjuruhan Tragedy , 01.10.22 )
tear gas also known as a lachrymator agent or
lachymator ( from Latin " lacrima , tear ) sometimes
colloqulally known as " mace " after the early
commercial aerosol, is a chemical weapon
that stimulates the nerves of the lacrimal gland in
the eye to produce tears .
in addition , it can cause severe eye and
respiratory pain , skin irritation , bleeding , and
blindness .
common lachrymators both currently and
formerly used as tears gas include pepper spray
( OC Gas ) , PAVA Spray ( non invlamide ) ,
CS Gas , CR Gas , CN Gas ( phenacyl chloride ),
bromoacetone , xylyl bromide and Macer
( a branded mixture ) .
( WIKI )

" Keberanian Menegakkan Kebenaran ,
Bukan Dimulut Yang Handal Berkata Indah
Menyihir Pendengarnya ,
Tetapi Terletak Pada Tindakan Nyata Yang Tidak Butuh
Tepuk Tangan Karena Ia Bekerja Dengan Nurani
Dan Tidak Mengemis Pujian "
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