Kamis, 11 Maret 2010

PECEL KAWI, since 1975.

Say that you've been in Malang . But don't say it if you never been in Warung Pecel Kawi, Malang. PECEL is one of the popular local food which is very popular in Java, especially East Java. 

Pecel is a combination between vegetables and peanut-sauce. Of course if you like you can have hot peanut-sauce. This warung was opened since 1975. Weekends or holidays is always " fully booked " and hardly to find a place to sit. 

Beside Pecel, you can have also some other popular cuisine such as chicken-curry , rawon or black-soup etc . Last but not least they offer also a famous drink so called S.T.M.J stand for
Susu Telur Madu Jahe ( Milk, Egg, Honey and Ginger ) which is good for your stamina. 

Now, what else you wait for ? 

( Photos by : TH )

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